Friday, October 2, 2009

The Jettison of Jeremiah Johnston

The Jettison of Jeremiah Johnston from Marco Aslan on Vimeo.

A short film by my friend Marco Aslan that I was director of photography on. This was a blast to shoot, even though the loss of our lead actor 10 hours before we flew to NY led to us running about the city for much of the time like chickens with our heads cut off.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Figure Drawing

Lately, I've been compiling older stuff for portfolio use. Here are some sketches from my life drawing class a few years ago that I jumbled together onto one page.


Monday, May 4, 2009


Painting from freshman year in college. About 11"x14", acrylic on board.

I think it's fairly self-explanatory.


MORE PEOPLES! (mother and babies)

Okay, so- the baby I drew here is actually supposed to be throwing the block out of frustration, but as babies' heads are so big and their arms can't reach over them, it looks somewhat like he's yelling because he's hit himself in the face with it.

Which, actually, is pretty funny too.



Concept pieces for a music video from a few years ago.


I don't remember most of this dream, except for this particular location. This is a peculiar angle so I guess I need to explain that you're looking DOWN, at about a 45 degree angle right now. The peak of the cliff shoots upward and into the sky, and yes, that means the water is flowing uphill to reach the peak.

The cliff is on an island, and the top of the island is green, with a forest which you can see faintly in the distance.



This one from a fairly sprawling dream with an ensemble cast. At one particular point I had dropped a goldfish into a lake (which was more like a Scottish loch but with high cliff walls either side, and the docking area where I was kind of resembled the Grey Havens). On a lark I decided to pursue it, and when the rest of the film crew (don't ask) was at lunch, I jumped in. This particular angle and scene is the most standout moment in that dream for me, because as I neared the lake bed an enormous lake-creature that had been lying flat lunged upwards and swallowed the goldfish in one gulp before settling back down to the bottom. Billowing clouds of sediment formed around it, and then cleared, camouflaging it again.

This thing was big. Like, blue whale big.



Concept art/storyboards I did for a music video of the singer Madu. These are a few years old, but they work pretty well.


Just a page full of sketches that I'd done recently. I don't know why, but I've been drawing that same old guy for ages. Where did he come from??



Not quite finished, but a piece that I decided to do on a whim. Having fun with it. :-)
